Monday, January 23, 2012

Pictures from the Internship 2011

Some Memories:

"You talking to me?"

Garden Bliss

Sunshine Builders!

Camouflaged Timber Framer

Kneebrace determination

Some gentle persuasion

Bath Time!

Pencil sharpening - right tool for the job!



Keeping between the lines

"Where did that mouse go?"

" I'm not very bright but I can lift heavy things!"

The Mixing Master

Where do you want this cob?

Just one last fitting!

Who is behind the camera?

Anyone want to play ball?

Bringing in the bales for the balecob wall

Fat camp!

Cutting the cords for cordwood walls on our jig
Who is next for a haircut?

Our victorious vegetables at the Nenagh Agricultural Show - with the head gardener!

Happiness Is....

Big jigsaw puzzle

Chisel Rhythm

It's a mans world?