Sunday, April 11, 2010

First week

The first week of the internship has been a full one! Timberframing the outdoor bathhouse/composting toilet has started, the earthen oven is built and drying in the glorious spring sun! End of next week the first baking session of pizza and bread! The garden is coming along and before to long the first lettuces should be ready to harvest. Therese has spoiled us the first week with amazing cooking, this coming week we will start on the foundation work and 101 other small projects. Looking forward to loads of learning, laughter and getting to know eachother better!

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to get the hazel shitake logs down to the woods, their laying under the sheets of black plastic bags next to the horsebox and tool store!
    Blessings and smiles to all of you!

    Hugs Christo
